
Trying to Find Foreclosure Support in Delaware and surrounding areas?

Contact Us for a Free Estimate


Foreclosure Made Simple

Looking for a local resource to help you navigate the foreclosure process? Delaware Investment Services has offered non-judicial foreclosure assistance services for residential property owners in the Tri State area and beyond for nearly two decades.

We have always acted as our customer’s trusted advisor and we are able to regularly pause or postpone the foreclosure process to help clients determine the best course of action for their immediate and future needs. Our team is prepared and fully equipped to help you deal with the banks and help you protect your credit rating along the way.

Fast Cash For
Your Home

What makes the biggest difference is that Delaware Investment Services is able to offer one-on-one personal service, which provides our clients with direct information that helps them to choose the most cost-effective foreclosure support solution.

In some cases, selling your home is ultimately the best option, and our team is prepared to make you a convenient, no-obligation cash offer for your home so you can walk away from the transaction with cash in hand and a clean slate regarding your homeownership responsibilities.

Best of all, there’s no cost to you for repairs or renovations, and you won’t have to deal with potential buyers walking through your home – because we are the buyer! Simply select your move-out date and leave the hassle and closing costs to Delaware Investment Services.